Luke 15:8-9, John 10:10

Jesus told His friends and others that were present there this story….

There was once a woman who had ten silver coins. She had kept them all in her jewelry box and safely kept in her room.

One day, she decided to count them all again and discovered that one of the silver coins is missing!

She was surprised and worried, because she thought she had kept all the silver coins very well. She was not happy and decided to look for the lost coin.

She lights a lamp so she can see clearly and know where the lost coin could possibly be. She swept the house so as to bring together all the hidden things.

Where could the silver coin be? She asked herself.

When all her friends and neighbors saw her doing all these, they asked, ‘why are you sweeping every corner and bringing out the furniture to clean your house, and why do you look so sad, are you looking for something’?

She answered and said ‘Yes, one of my ten silver coins is lost, and I must look for it, because it is very precious to me’.

She kept on searching and searching….

And after she has searched carefully, at last, she found the lost silver coin.

She shouted with great JOY!!!! HALLELUYAH!!!!

She was very happy, she called her friends and neighbors together, saying,

‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my silver coin that was lost!’

The end.

All of the children that are Jesus’ friend are very precious to Him. They are even more valuable than silver and any precious jewelry. He does not want any of His friends to get lost. When we longer pray to Jesus or study our Bible or come together in fellowship or in church with all the other friends of Jesus, we would soon get lost. Jesus does not want any of His friends to get lost, STAY WITH JESUS AND DON’T GET LOST. It can be very dangerous to get lost. The enemy is always ready to steal, kill and destroy anyone that is lost… Jesus will always keep looking for His lost friends until they are found….


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